
分析点 / 参数 分析物 测量范围 适合分析仪
厌氧消化池 Anaerobic Digester 硫化氢 H2S - OMA 过程分析仪
氨气 NH3 -
二氧化碳 CO2 - MCP-200 红外分析仪


推荐使用: OMA 氨气分析仪


推荐使用: MCP-200 红外分析仪


推荐使用: OMA 硫化氢分析仪

Renewable energy is an area of enormous growth, but harvesting these energy sources comes with its own challenges. The fuel gases generated by biological processes (e.g. anaerobic digestion) can often contain significant levels of H2S, which is extremely toxic and explosive. In order to responsibly utilize these natural sources of methane-based fuels, the incident H2S needs to be carefully monitored and removed.

The OMA H2S Analyzer is ideal for monitoring H2S in biogases for several reasons. The excellent dynamic range of dispersive UV-Vis spectrophotometry allows the OMA to accurately monitor H2S concentration from trace levels to high %. Additionally, the detector has no sensitivity to the typical biogas background components (methane, CO2, moisture) since these chemicals have no absorbance in the UV wavelength range.
